Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Snorted

If you ask most people around here about Waianae you will often get very negatives comments. They will usually advise not to venture to that side of the island. Why? I guess because it has a reputation for being hot, dirty and full of crazy homeless locals who don’t really like haoles (White people) because they stole their land. Or something like that. Really. All I have been told by people not from Waianae is that nobody goes there.

Except me.

I go there just about every day and I am as haole as you can get. Let me tell you that you should never judge a book by its cover and this place is no exception.

I didn’t choose to serve in this community. God did. When I was deciding on where I wanted to serve for the year I decided to draw lots and let God make the choice for me. I wrote the choices on three pieces of paper, folded them up and put them in a hat. Then I drew one and it was Waianae. After all I had heard about this place I so didn’t want to spend my year there so I drew three more times. Every time it was the same answer. Waianae. Then my Bible fell open to Proverbs 16:33 which reads, “The lot is cast into the lap, but it's every decision is from the Lord." So I figured I better trust God and go to Waianae.

Thank God I did!

Every Sunday we have our church on the beach. We do not have a building that we call a church. Just people. The people are our church, we are our church. I have heard this concept many times over the past years because I attended a church in Oregon that did its share of moving. But it wasn’t until I had my church in Waianae every Sunday under a tent on the beach that I realized that it is not about a place or a building but it is about the congregation.

My new church has become like my Hawaiian ohana (family).

Every day I head out with two of my team mates to the west side. We all volunteer at the Waianae Boys and Girls Club three days a week. The first day we were there they put us each in a different area to help out. I was assisting in the teen center. As the teens entered the center they just looked at me and walked past. I felt as though they hated me being in their teen center. I don’t know if it was because I was white or what but I felt as though they didn’t want me there.

One girl who looked really tough came in with her Taco Bell, swearing and talking about how she got into a fight with a haole girl that tried to bite her. I just put my head down. Then this boy named Ryson came into the center and right away introduced himself to me. He started asking me questions about where I was from and what I was doing there. As I began to tell him I noticed that every teen in the room seemed intrigued with our conversation and they all slowly started opening up to me. Then one of the teens said something funny and I laughed and well...I "snorted"! The whole room broke out in laughter. It was then that I knew I had made some friends.

Every day that I am in Waianae I feel I am where God wants me to be. When I tell people where I am spending most of my time they tell me I am crazy. I just tell them that Waianae isn’t as tough as it lets on and God has me out there to bring out the soft side.

Pray that I can continue to love and build relationships with the people in the Waianae community.

1 comment:

  1. Tasha! I miss your snorts! I hope I get to hear plenty of them this next week at Boot Camp! I know those kids can see Jesus in you and you are making a real difference in their lives! Love you lots!

    Love and prayers,

